Purple Stereo Countdown

Inertia/Flux EP by Hypnic Jerk

7 January 2010 (PSC012)
Inertia/Flux EP is an EP of electronic and ambient music recorded by Jamie Davidson.

Click here to download this release (for free).
This release is released under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 2.0 license.


This song was written by Jamie Davidson. It features Jamie Davidson playing synths.
2Shockwave Pulsar4:50
This song was written by Jamie Davidson. It features Jamie Davidson playing synths.
3To See Sunlight on the Head of a Pin1:41
This song was written by Jamie Davidson. It features Jamie Davidson playing synths.
4Pillar of Light6:45
This song was written by Jamie Davidson. It features Jamie Davidson playing synths.
5Collapsing Star1:36
This song was written by Jamie Davidson. It features Jamie Davidson playing synths.
6He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven3:59
This song was written by Jamie Davidson. It features Jamie Davidson playing synths.